Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Dictionary of Hindu Lore and Legend

Hinduism is a religion that originated on the Indian subcontinent. With its foundations in the Vedic civilization, it has no known founder being itself a conglomerate of diverse beliefs and traditions. It is considered the world's "oldest extant religion," and has approximately a billion adherents, of whom about 890 million live in India, placing it as the world's third largest religion after Christianity and Islam. Other countries with large Hindu populations include Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia.Hinduism provides a vast body of scriptures. Divided as revealed and remembered, and developed over millennia, these scriptures expound an equally vast range of theology, philosophy, and myth, providing spiritual insights along with guidance on the practice of dharma (religious living).

Among such texts, Hindus revere the Vedas along with the Upanishads as being among the foremost in authority, importance, and antiquity. Other important scriptures include the Tantras and sectarian Agamas, Purāṇas and the epics: the Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyaṇa. The Bhagavad Gītā, a deeply profound conversation excerpted from the Mahābhārata, is widely seen as summarizing the spiritual teachings of the Vedas.Mahatma Gandhi In reply to a reporter's question "What do you think of Western Civilization?" I think it would be a good idea!

Swami Vivekananda Pearls of Wisdom When I Asked God for Strength He Gave Me Difficult Situations to Face.

Goal Setting Understanding Goal Setting Like Henry Ford Did

Everyone knows what a great success Henry Ford was. The odds are that you have probably been in a car with his name on it more than once in your lifetime. You can t become as successful as Henry Ford without understanding the proper way to set goals.

Henry Ford was on the cutting edge of technology in his day. He was a visionary with big plans. You probably have much less weight on your shoulders than Henry Ford did, but you may still be having problems with achieving the goals that you have set. So how do you achieve those great things?Henry Ford gave a sneak peak into how he sets his goals when he said, Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. You see, he had huge goals in front of him but he divided things up into smaller, easier jobs. This seems so simple but, how many times have you put more pressure on yourself than needed because you set a huge goal without breaking it down to smaller, more manageable goals?If you have a goal to earn $5,000 more per month than you are earning right now, break it down into smaller goals. For instance, set your first mini-goal at earning an extra $500 per month. Once you have achieved that, you will have acquired the skills to set another mini-goal of earning an extra $1,000 per month. Keep this up until you reach your larger goal of earning an extra $5,000 per month.

In following Henry Ford s advice, you will prevent yourself from getting discouraged if you aren t able to hit your big goal right away. Learn from people who are more successful than you are at setting and achieving goals. If you do, you will find that things in your life will move much faster than you thought they could.

By: Jason Osborn
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Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'. Get it free when you subscribe at: Jason and Rebecca Osborn have dedicated themselves to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through their Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

Personal Development: Tips for Living Life with Passion!

by Shauna Arthurs
We all want to lead full, happy why is it that so few of us do?
If it's time you took a good look at your own life and gave it an overhaul, don't wait another minute. Whether we like to admit it or not, the clock is ticking for each of us. Make each moment count by actually putting into place the practices which will bring you joy and rekindle the passion in your life. This has nothing to do with anyone else - it's all about YOU!
Following are some tips to help you make the most of each day and ensure you are living your life to the fullest. While they may not sound positive and easy, this is all about being EFFECTIVE. These few key areas are where you can put new practices into place and give yourself the gift of a happier, more satisfying life.

* GOALS: The trick here is to make them YOURS. Not what your Mom wants, nor what your guidance counselor told you was right for you...but what YOU want. Have you even thought about this lately? Many people have not thought about what they truly want in years. This is partially due to the vague notion that many carry around that says 'some day I'll have more time to figure it out and then I'll get what I want'.

This is NOT how it works...some day is NOW. Tomorrow will never come, and our time here is limited. You can either choose for this to be a depressing thought and turn away from it, or face it straight on and FREE YOURSELF.
Today is all we have - live it up! Dream with passion! PLAN to do things you love and which are fun...there is no time like the present!

* PRIORITIES: In these busy times, it is time we realize that we cannot do it all. We can CREATE everything we want - I firmly believe this - but we only have 24 hours in a day, and there will simply be things that slip through the cracks.
Therefore, the more we hone our focus and decide what our priorities are, the better we can live each day from that focus, and accomplish more of the things that matter to us as individuals. This is not goal-setting. Goals ARISE from this work, and allow you to accomplish those things that you wish to. This allows us to live each day with a strong sense of purpose, aliveness and joy.

The trick to living this way is two-fold: the first is to invest the time to look at your life overall and decide what you want it to be about. A good way to think about this is to look at the end of your life. Ask yourself what you will regret most if you don't change it? What do you want said about you when you're gone? What kind of a legacy would you like to leave? What will you wish you had done?

The second part ties your priorities and your goals together. The best two tips in this area I have heard in years are extremely simple:
1. Make a list every night of the five things you MUST accomplish tomorrow, and then DO THEM tomorrow, in the order of those you want to do least first.
2. Ask yourself each day: What can I do today that I'll be glad I did tomorrow? This one step is amazingly powerful, as you will see after a few days.
* VISION: How many times have you heard that you must visualize what you want in order to get it? Did you know that in studies with Olympic-caliber athletes, tests have shown that they performed just as well after visualizing themselves going through the motions with precision, as when they actually practiced physically? Additionally, in brain and muscle tests, all the same neurons in the brain and muscle fibers in the body were activated during intense visualization as during the actual athletic endeavor.

Amazing? YES! Use this to your advantage in your own life! Practice and improve your ability to clearly and precisely picture yourself being in the situations you wish to create. There are some guided meditations in the Wealth Beyond Reason program that we have found to be very helpful with this process.
* HEALTH: This has been addressed in many places, but my two best tips are:
Eat less, and more often. Studies have shown that those who eat less actually survive longer, and with this happy, passionate life you are building you'll want to prolong it as mush as you can! Also, eating smaller amounts every 3-4 hours serves to boost your meatabolism and burn more fat...helping you to be healthier and have more energy. Think of your metabolism like a fire...consistently feed it in little amounts. If you starve it or smother it, the results will be less to your liking.

The second tip is to get moving, and do it consistently. This one thing, if you are not already doing it, will make a huge difference for you. Go for walks, take up new sports - do whatever you have to do to stay active, and enjoy increased energy and stamina, as well as more clarity in your thoughts.

* ROLE MODELS: Get some new ones. Look for people and situations that empower you, and remind you of the magnificence of the human spirit and what is possible. This lifts you out of your narrow, every day focus, and gives you a broader perspective. For inspiration in this regard, you may find our Get Inspired! Course helpful.
There you have it...a few key ingredients to living a life with passion!
Of course there are more things you can do, however we have found that it's the fundamentals that need to be put in place for people to really feel energy, passion, happiness, and a sense of purpose.

Enjoy, and go create your dreams!
You can find more tips on creating your dreams and living with passion at, and at

About the Author
Shauna Arthurs is a writer/editor, Prosperity Coach, Internet Marketer and co-founder/owner of several web-based businesses, including

Women Can Enjoy Chocolatey Contentment Without The Guilt

Women face "moments of truth" all day long-times when the temptation for great-tasting snacks are especially strong. Giving in to these temptations can often cause feelings of guilt among women dedicated to weight-management goals.

A new cereal-Special K Chocolatey Delight-can satisfy women's desires for evening snacks without the guilt. Women looking for a way to lose weight without as much sacrifice can replace their evening snack with a bowl of the new cereal. Research shows by replacing a higher-calorie evening snack with a lower-calorie snack, women may lose weight. A serving of Special K Chocolatey Delight is 120 calories, and with a half cup of fat-free milk, it contains 160 calories, compared to 344 calories in average evening snacks eaten after 6 p.m., according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Women's eating habits can swing dramatically throughout the day and evening, according to an August 2005 study by Insight Research Group for Kellogg Company. The new cereal joins an entire line of Special K products developed to help women stay on track with their weight-management goals and overcome those tempting "moments of truth" through the day with great-tasting snack and meal options.

By: Stacey Moore
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Learn more by searching for "Special K" at

7 Feng Shui Tips For Spicing Up Your Lovelife

by: Tracy O'Brien Are you happy with your lovelife or would you like to see it improved? No matter who you are, there are times when "the bedroom" is not the loving and fun room it should be. There are of course numerous reasons why this may happen but there are some simple things you can do to help you make things better. Your bedroom acts as a magnet both literally and metaphorically for your relationships. It is also where you sleep during the night renewing your energy levels in preparation for what the world has to offer to you the next day. It is most likely where your romantic life is centered - unless of course you like to experiment - perhaps you're a free spirit who likes to commune with the outdoors ;-) Your bedroom is your and your homes sanctuary. The positioning and layout within it plays a massive role not only on your passion and romance chances but also your health, wealth and other relationships in general. Careful attention should indeed be paid on this highly important room.

When you get it right, positive energy (called "chi" by the Chinese and "ki" by the Japenese) will flow easily through your home. Get it wrong... All things in life are connected at the minute quantum level and the following information will help guide you so you and your relationships flourish: 1. Make sure your bedroom "feels" inviting - it must fulfill the role of a place of safety for you. When you look at the state of your bedroom now - what does it say to and about you? Does it say "I'm at home with myself" or is it a big jumble and in disarray? Is it just functional - it's purpose only for sleeping in your eyes, if so - if you want your love life to change, then this has got to change too. 2. Look around at all of the items - furniture/trinkets etc... in your bedroom. Do you have good/loving memories and feelings for these items? Or are there items which hold bad memories? If there are - get rid of them, they hold a residual energy and act as a constant reminder to your non-conscious mind. How about photos?

Are there any old flames "hanging around" - again, chuck them out - you do want to move on to a new relationship - don't you? 3. Your bed should be the focal point of the room - this is where both "action" and "inaction" takes place, where you are both energized and renewed. Does your bedroom have a "personality problem"? Is it in effect multitasking? Do you have a home office or perhaps a treadmill beside you? Again, these items should not be here. You want to focus on your relationships rather than your body or mind in this room - move them out. If this is not possible due to space constraints, you will need to use a screen to keep them "at bay". 4. The ever present TV. Yes it can be cosy to curl up in bed and watch a great movie but a TV sends out a stream of positive ions (rather than positive chi) - this device is "yang" in nature and will ensure your body does not get the rest it requires.

It also represents a 3rd party in the room - not particularly conducive to a stable and healthy monogomous relationship... Once again - the TV has got to go. 5. Make sure your bed is as far away from the door to your room as you can. If you are unable to see the door, you will feel ill at ease at a subconscious level - this is because you will sense you cannot see if an intruder will enter your room (heaven forbid!). This unease will of course impact how you rest at night. 6. Choose a bed which has a solid and sturdy headboard. In Form School Feng Shui, the headboard represents a supportive mountain to your back. 7. Your bed holds residual energy from those who have come and gone before. In an ideal world, if you have had a partner and wish to attract a new one, you should purchase a new bed. This gives you and your new relationship an optimal chance to flourish. Regardless, you should invest in the best bed you can as if you sleep 8 hours per day, this means you will spend 1/3 of your entire life in it!