Saturday, March 10, 2007

Spiritual help for nurses in stress

Simple Truths for Change, Healing and a Magnificent Life!

By Marcia Breitenbach

Many people on the planet are realizing that the key to a healthier, happier and life of abundance can be distilled into simple truths. We live in a complex and cluttered world. Take a deep breath and listen to this:You are on this planet to grow and to love. It is very simple. Don’t make it so complicated. We are challenged when change or loss come our way. We get disoriented, confused and begin to lose focus on the things we innately know will help us ride the waves.Here are some tips to review, to help you feel the support of the earth below you and the heavens above.

* Change is coming and change is here. You can be transformed by change, become more of who you were meant to be, and re-member or re-define who you are. You begin with your intention for positive transformation.

* What are your beliefs about life, change, and about yourself? You must bring these to the surface, examine them, and discard the ones that aren’t assisting you to manifest a life of magnificence. Write and voice your new beliefs often. Repetition of helpful beliefs, accompanied by enthusiasm, will bring about the things you want to manifest.

* To transform positively, and to live your best life, you must be connected to your inner voice. By doing so, you are more able to connect outwardly with others and build bridges of healing connections.* Rather than always searching without (or outside ourselves), look for the answers within. Going within requires some periods of stillness and silence. Being, rather than doing.

* Remember that you are not alone on your journey. You are always connected to spiritual beings who await your call for assistance.* Nature heals. Nature can open the wounded heart to love and to life again. Be grateful for, and be a gentle steward of this precious beauty.* Fear is a normal human emotion. Feel it, move forward with it and through it, and claim your Divine Essence.* Surrender, trust and gratitude are the three sisters of grace that allow you to move into a better life very quickly.* Taking time to explore who you are and to love all of you, including your shadows, helps heal the world. It brings balance to your life and FREEDOM!!* In order to love yourself, you must be gentle with yourself, and with the process of becoming a kinder, more loving person. By doing so, you also let go of judgments of others.* Keep a sense of humor about yourself and your growth.

You will never be perfect and you must “constipate your guilt.”* Open your heart, even if it’s wounded, and you will receive more light and love. It is always a CHOICE.* Practice laughing and find ways to stretch and exercise these important life muscles. Create laughing opportunities.* EXPAND your awareness of life’s mysteries. Being open to new ideas and concepts lengthens and deepens your life.* BREATHE with more awareness, especially when you feel strong feelings. It creates space for growth and healing.* Life is beautiful and you are Divine and deserve the best. Let go of the past and live this year like it’s your last. Give your light and love to others. Be a gardener for healing, planting seeds of hope, love, and compassion. It will enrich you!Remember, change is the opening in your life journey that allows you to access the unlimited creative energy within you…you literally are given the gift of re-creation of your life. It may arrive in disguise, such as an illness, death of a loved one, or other life challenge.

Why not choose to use this opening to step into your magnificence?

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