Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Why You Need Oxygen To Work The Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction is all about magnetizing your visualization so that whatever that you have asked for from the universe, will be delivered to you. One of the most important practices to harness the powers of electro-magnetic energy in the body is to sleep with the head of the bed pointing North, parallel to the earth's magnetic poles. When all the molecules in the body are synchronized in one direction, they become magnetic.

Another important element in harnessing this magnetic energy is the practice of deep breathing. Oxygen is food for the brain and it has magnetic qualities. Practice deep breathing in an opened window where the air is fresh. Do not breathe the petrol-laden air of the streets, because they contain contaminants like carbon monoxide that poisons the body cells. If you can help it, breathe the morning air in your garden, where fresh oxygen has just been produced from the plants' photosynthesis. Or breathe the morning air on the hills or the salty breezy air of the sea. Oxygen makes you magnetic and causes your thoughts to attract whatever you are asking from the universe.

The quality of theA50 air and the oxygen in it is best in the morning, because the production of oxygen by the plants and trees is done at night. This is the reason why when you wake up in the morning to go to the office, you notice that the air is cool and fresh, because the oxygen has just been produced. You become more energetic and alert when you breathe in the morning air, as compared with the afternoon air.

If you can wake up at 5 am in the morning (I suggest you do because a lot of successful people wake up at this time as a matter of discipline), do your meditation, visualization and deep breathing at the same time by an opened window, if it is not too cold. I for one enjoy the stillness of dawn in New England during the spring season with the fresh crispy air in the garden. As I sit on the lawn chair I meditate, visualize and performed deep breathing and sent out my order to the universe. With the sound of birds chirping in the distance, it makes my meditation surreal and powerful. After spending about 20 minutes on this, I reward myself with a hot cup of tea. What a wonderful way to start the day.

The quality of the manifestations by the universe and the end result is dependant on the quality of your thought power. The signal that you send out has to have the power of electro-magnetic energy harnessed from the earth's magnetic poles and the fresh oxygen of the morning. When you are magnetic, the universe will hear you more clearly, because your thought waves are more powerful. You will begin to notice life starting to change for the better. Your wishes will come true, you become healthier and more energetic, and people will find you more attractive.

Azmi Adnan is a writer and motivator. He practices meditation and is a big believer in the laws of attraction. His works can be found on his website. He is an advocate on "The Power to Live" and enjoys working with under-privileged children.


Wealth and Life Skills
Having Faith in the Creative Process

The Reality About Destiny And Fate

The common perception about destiny and fate in our society is that they are set in stone. They are some place that we are meant to go to or something we are meant to have or be or do. The other perception is that some things are destiny or fate and other things are not. Usually the things that come across as coming to us out of luck are usually labeled destiny or fate and the things that are bad or we don't want in our lives are juA0Ast bad things that happen to good people. What I urge you to understand is that there is no blue print in the sky that states what we should or should not have, do, or be. There is no higher power who says that you will get this while I don't or I get that while you get nothing. We attract everything that is in our lives to ourselves, and we create everything we get with our thoughts.

Take a look around your life. Go ahead, I won't watch. Take note of everything that has happened to you and everything that is happening to you and everything you have and have had. All of that, every last bit of it is there or has been there because you attracted it to you with your decisions. Your decisions include the things you have thought about and currently think about. Your decisions include the emotional states you allow yourself to be in. Everything in your life has been created and attracted to you because of those decisions. They were not brought to you by some higher power. Both the good and the bad are there because of what you choose to focus on and feel on a regular basis.

We design our own destiny and fate by the choices that we make. Our lives will or will not be what we want it to be because of those decisions. Our career, our love life, our financial situation. Everything in our lives is what it is because of the decisions we make. They are what they are because of what we choose to feel and think on a regular basis. Just as importantly, they are what they are because of what we don't choose to think about and feel about. Those emotions and thoughts that are there that we take absolutely no effort or control over.

Our lives are designed as much by the choices we make as they are by the choices we don't make. Not making a decision when one is needed is just as much a problem as making a bad one. Often times people miss opportunities simply because of their inability to make a decision about something when a decision is needed. Often times our lives are designed by the decisions and choices we fail to make. The time you should have bought that stock but decided not to. The time you should have talked to that guy or girl, and chose not to. The time you should have gone here instead of there or done this instead of that. The world is full of infinite possibility. Choose your moment to moment experience very carefully as it dictates what the next moment will be like.

Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of 49Ehttp://www.wealthylifesecrets.com and has been helping people in the area of self-protection and personal development for 10 years. He has authored some of his own books and currently teaches people self-defense and personal development strategies and tactics. To get more information on the law of attraction and how to apply it, visit http://www.wealthylifesecrets.com

Believe youre highly creative
Game Of Life and How To Play

Understanding How Women Attract Men

The dating scene is populated with two types of people - the haves and the have-nots. While the first group enjoys a steady stream of suitors and relishes in the excitement of romance, the have-nots are left alone wondering why they can't seem to find the right person. For women in particular, the latter can be frustrating since it is often the men who initiate the dating process. But understand how women attract men can go a long way to improving the fortunes of those who are struggling to garner attention from them.

Looks Aren't Everything

One of the first mistakes than many women make when trying to attract men focusing too much on their appearance. They become so obsessed about how they look that either go overboard on cosmetic enhancements or they attribute every lost dating opportunity to the fact that they didn't wear the right outfit. Of course we all know that appearance is a big part of first impressions, but bringing too much attention to your looks can be overwhelming to men. They can become intimidated by your high standards and you can come across as too uptight if you are always dressed to the nines. The best advice is to look nice, but be careful not to present yourself as plastic or untouchable.

Compatible Interests

It may be hard for some women to believe, but men do think about other things than sex. Considering that most of the waking hours of a relationship5B4 are spent outside of the bedroom, it is safe to say that you will need to appeal to a man's general interests and hobbies if you are going to attract them. This doesn't men you have to start playing basketball, but it does infer that you should have a well-rounded approach to life. Stay in the know with recent events, and become familiar with the attractions of your city. You need to be able to entertain your date with more than just talk about work and family.

Curiosity Attracts

It can be tempting to ramble on about yourself when you meet someone new. You may not have dated in a while and you are starving for someone to listen to your stories. However, you should be careful about divulging everything about your personal life. You want your man to become curious about you so that he keeps coming back for more. By leaving hints and suggestions that you have much more to offer him in the future, you will peak his interest and keep him hooked. Men love to fantasize about the potential of a woman, and they soon lose their interest when they feel they already know everything about someone. Use this to your advantage by keeping the plot moving along like a good book.

Most women dealing with frustrations in the dating arena are too hard on themselves. They think they lack the good looks and personality needed to attract a man. The truth is that it is often only their presentation that needs some tweaking. 41BBy understand how men think and what they want, you can take your own unique attributes and feed them to your date in a way that keeps them wanting more. Just remember to be yourself, have fun, and slowly reveal your inner secrets.

Are you ready to add some romance to your life? AttractYourMan.com knows exactly what men want and how to make them fall only for you.

Home Building Ideas For The Future
How To Think Outside The Box

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Relaxed Mind And Body For Concentration

For an individual to stay calm and composed, it is important that mind control techniques are practiced. It is important for an individual to have a relaxed mind and body since it will help the person in the day to day activities especially when it comes to work related to profession and family. A cool mind and body, it is said, can achieve the improbable. That is the reason, why a lot of importance is being attached these days by all sectors, starting from the military personnel to corporate sector, to maintain a strong mind and body. A lot of stress is applied on the mind and body of an individual due to variety of reasons. They include stress on account of work, interpersonal relationships, family commitments and other factors. All these have to be overcome to make sure that the performance of the individual.

There are several techniques to provide relief from stress. The first and foremost of the techniques is meditation. It has been found that meditation if done everyday for at least thirty minutes or sixty minutes provides tremendous relief through out the day. A person who meditates every day routinely will not experience any fatigue or tiredness in any kind of mental or physical work. Meditation is one of the oldest forms adopted to seek relief from stress. There are various kinds of meditation. The basic form is to sit in a posture as prescribed, close eyes and concentrate on a focal point. At times, beginners, may be put to sleep easily while meditating, however, over a period of time, the sleepiness can be overcome. It will take some time to focus and concentrate while meditating. Meditate at least for an hour each day and it will raise the spirits significantly. The best time for meditation is mornings. Make it a habit to get up before sunrise. Meditate for an hour at least and focus on the events ahead of you in the day. Work out the schedule in mind and try to resolve any internal conflicts.

There is a second form of meditation, called transcendental meditation. Several pioneers of transcendental meditation are known to have achieved greater heights because of their approach towards life. A calm and composed mind can achieve many things by practicing meditation. It is an ancient tradition practiced in most of the eastern countries. It has been only in the last century that the western world has discovered the advantages of meditation.

The second way of relieving pressure is practicing Yoga, another form of mild exercise practiced in countries like India. A very old practice, Yoga is considered ideal for a variety of ailments. In fact, meditation is also part of yoga. The yoga sessi50Bon commences only after the people conclude one session of meditation. Yoga helps an individual in maintaining the mind, body and soul in one straight line. Register for the yoga classes with a guru in the neighborhood. It is better if yoga is practiced every day in the morning.

Article written by Cassaundra Flores, owner of skyfireproducts.com

lWhat Do You Believe In Today

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Choose Your Dream Job and Make Money Working from Home

Book illustrator, fashion designer, race car driver. What kind of career would you want for yourself? If you are not sure, stay tuned. Perhaps the following ideas will help you choose your dream job and make money working from home.

Each one of these easy home businesses is fun to run and does not require a lot of start-up cash.

Sound too good to be true? It is not. Just read on and see for yourself.

1.) Consulting Business - Now, if you have a lot of knowledge or skills, they may be worth big money. Customers are interested in all kinds of areas - painting portraits, losing weight, dressing to look thin, deep sea diving, and making money. Do a little research on the Web to determine which areas are the hottest. Be sure to join associations for consultants such as the Association of Independent Consultants.

2) Service Agency - As the owner of a service agency, you market popular services to the entire community. Typical services include those of a handyman, a party planner, a wedding planner, a gardener, a plumber, an electrician, a car service, an errand runner, a dog walker, and a car mechanic. Contract first with qualified service providers and work out your commission. This is a booming business.

3.) Business Office - Most small business owners are glad to hire someone take on the day-to-day running of their office. Answering telephones, taking orders, keeping books, answering mail, and talking with suppliers are all tasks you can help them with. Once you have enough clients, you can outsource most of this work.

4) Wealth Coach - As a wealth coach, you help clients gain control of their financial affairs. Although you are not a debt counselor, or a financial planner, your job is to help clients do 3 things. Save more, spend less, and earn more. You might offer finding student loans for college-age children, reining in extravagant spending, obtaining a higher interest rate on savings, and discovering a new earnings source.

5) Cake Decorator - Make no mistake. Cake decorating pays off big. Most cake decorators have as their clients - restaurants, hotels, schools, country clubs, hospitals, bakeries, and other institutions that serve food. Usually, clients want their cakes delivered early in the morning. It is easiest to hire a delivery service and charge the client extra for this convenience. Check to see if the kitchen you use for baking must be inspected by your local Board of Health.

How was that? Did you get some ideas for your own home based business? Remember, just a kernel of an idea can help you choose your dream job and make money working from home. In the meantime, stay tuned for other great business ideas in my future articles.

Uncover more businesses you can run from home at http://www.easy-home-businesses.com - Choose from over 40 guaranteed profitable businesses in Siriol Jameson's 2 books - now on sale. Visit http://www.easy-home-businesses.com/work-from-home-businesses.html

Get insider m0ney tips http://www.easy-home-businesses.com/newsletter.html

(c) Siriol Jameson. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Spiritual Atheism

Finding Your Dream Job Online - Tips For Online Job Seekers

Most people are excited about the idea of finding a job online. The internet offers many opportunities and convenience for online job seekers. There are thousands of sites where you can go to register and search for jobs. These websites allow you to browse and search thousands of jobs by searching through listings based on your chosen career. However, in order to avoid making some mistakes and blunders, you need to be careful about your personal information when looking for a job online. Here are some things you need to keep in mind when job hunting online.

1. Be careful where you post your resume or CV.

Not every ad you see online will lead you to a secure and trusted site. If you're going to post your personal information on any website, make sure you do your homework and find out about the site beforehand. The 5B4best way to do this is to visit various discussion forums online and find out what other people's experiences of that site are. You may be tempted to post your CV or resume on every job site you find. That is not a good idea. Look for quality sites with good privacy policies. There is always the possibility of businesses or individuals using your personal data for profit instead of using it to help you. So choose your job sites carefully. Also, you don't need to post your CV or resume on every site you find. Sometimes all you need to do is get the employers details and send your details through the post.

2. Make sure the website allows you to remove your details when you want to.

Believe it or not, there are websites out there where you cannot delete your resume after you've posted it. They want to increase the number of job seekers on their database to attract potential employers so they don't care if you are still looking for a job or not. So before posting your resume or CV, satisfy yourself that you'll be able to delete it when you are done. You don't want your details floating among businesses or companies long after you've found the job you want. It also increases the risk of your information being stolen by privacy thieves.

3. Be careful what information you include on your CV or resume

Always limit the personal information you post online. You should never post things like credit card numbers, Social Secu5B4rity numbers (SSN) or National Insurance numbers (NI), bank account numbers, mother's maiden name, referees' names and phone numbers or any type of identifying characteristics or financial data.

4. Keep a record of every site where you post your details.

Remember to keep good records of where you have posted your details online including usernames and passwords. You will need to visit these sites and delete your personal information after you have found your dream job. Where available, try to reply to jobs directly instead of through a third party. If the job site masks your personal information and contact details and allows you to control who contacts you, make sure you choose to use this facility. This is better than letting every potential employer see your contact details. Some of the companies who see your CV or resume may not be legitimate and may only be interested in profiting from using your personal data.

Click here for a list of websites where you can find jobs and job resources: http://www.recruitment-agencies.org.uk/jobs/ online

Copyright Jenny Mwaba. http://www.recruitment-agencie20Fs.org.uk/

Obama or Hillary - Whose Dream for America?

Despite today turmoil, America is still a dream land. That's why a poor from any continent or country will leave, when possible, his culture, his friends and his land to embrace the American dream. That's why a Mexican will risk his life in the desert, escaping snakes, braving heat to reach America. For the same reason, young people sensing some potentials in them will leave their country to try their luck and forge a destiny made of wealth and happiness.

When people fear for their safety, they chose America for safe heaven. In America, they might go from nothing to realising their dreams. When people are facing starvation, they dream to get to America to escape hunger. When academics face no recognition at home, they dream to get to America to be recognized as such. And in America they will be valued, they will enhance all their potentials and they will transform the country.

By helping people from any corner of the world to realise their dreams, America has benefited also from an unquestionable loyalty and patriotism from the people It has welcomed. These people made America a home. They kept alive the dream and they worked hard to pass the flame to their posterity. Unlike other countries, America host not only people from around the world but integrate them and Americanize their emotions, their energies...All try hard to secure the benefits of freedom, wealth for themselves and for future generations.

This year, we are living another aspect of the American dream: Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. The first is young, first time senator, campaigning against the bulldozer Hillary Clinton whose husband defeated George Bush in presidential elections. The second is a lady trashing polls prognostics and forcing history to become the first president in a country dominated by men.

For the first time, we are having someone who will not mention participation to the Vietnam war as political gain. For the first time, after years, we are having someone who will not claim a nam111Ce or experience to support his political ambitions. What does Obama represent for the American dream today? Does he re-actualize the dream? Yes. How?

This year preliminary elections give us a tango on America ability to rock on the thematic history of dream. Will Hillary become the first President woman in America? Will Obama become the first black President? We agree that not voting for Hillary only because of her gender is a political and intellectual regression. Also, not voting for Obama because he is black is degenerating as well.

Saying that, last week after watching the New Hampshire elections, I decided to visit Chapters indigo in Toronto to purchase books on Obama and Hillary. I wanted to do some quality reading on the two candidates. My deception and choc was to find that Obama did not have one book on the shelves, while Hillary had several every where... I really like the two candidates because they are coming to shake our cultural and political habits: a woman running for President, a black running for President. I wanted to read by myself their political thoughts.


Obama amazes by his candor. He has clear talk and there is no doubt that what is thought clearly can be said also clearly. During this campaign we heard some revelations from the two candidates on key issues within the Senate. In 2001. Hillary voted for a Bankruptcy bill. During the primaries campaign, she said that she was happy that the Bill did not pass. Hillary has also revealed that Obama had received money for his campaign for a corrupt mcne. Later on, Obama refunded the $40.000 by giving the money to a charity organisation. This hot exchange in South Carolina has shown that politicians can say one thing and its contrary. It raises the question accountability and ethics in governance. Lack of ethics in governance is more often at the basis of bad governance for which no country in the world is immunised!

Our hope is to have a president who has clear talk, clear thinking and strong ethics in governance. America needs a president of clear actions based on clear talks, thinking and solid ethics.


In one of his speech in Dillon, Obama said that people judgement has been misguided by fear : fear of immigrants, fear of the difference. Whites are afraid of blacks, vice-versa. Politicians have exploited this to suit their interests. Language of fear is exclusive. It opposes races, regions, states, privileges...Obama's win in Iowa has shown clearly that America is in search of someone who does not exploit differences for his interests. His victory also in South Carolina shows also that he is able to build a coalition going behind races, group age, gender and by doing so he is giving to America its place under the sun and in the world. Clearing the language of fear, he is proposing the language of hope, clarity and proactive actions. In Carolina, he was surrounded by youth from various ethnic background ready of offer a clear historic choice to America: a new young and fresh politician who happens to be black.

BBC's Kevin Connely in Coumbia, South Carolina recalled an old vietnamese saying It's what makes a transformational election. This is something different. He's not a fringe candidate, he's a mainstream candidate. He has lit this country on fire, he has inspired this country. Every place you go, he is turning out crowds that Hillary Clinton cannot match, that Edwards cannot match. It's magical and it's wonderful for the country and for the world 1


For years, Politics has been an exciting area where ideology was coming to meet practice. Politicians, according to Plato, where people to govern the state with a flavour of Ideology made for the common good. This perception made politics likable till the advent of merchant politicians. Merchant politicians are reach people who do politics to keep their privileges and to safeguard the status quo. French Revolution succeeded to overthrow this way of doing politics. Then, this century's bourgeoisie brought it back with new riches in politics. The 68 Movement shaked the world reminding the rich of the values of freedom, equity and fairness. Obama echoes the May Movement with its language of ideology5B4, vertu, hope and dream for a better world when youth aims at higher than materialism, divisions and ecclectims.

Obama ca win elections and become US president. He has a credible chance to win. If he wins, he will transform America and its dream will be fresh as ever in a multicultural society. Hillary also has a credible chance to win elections. In either way, voting for Obama or Hillary will top up the american dream. It is an enormous change in the direction of post-modernism. It will reveal what makes the strength of America: hope and change.

Obama is draining youth in politics in numbers. He made the population to get interested into politics. When someone brings politics as ideology, no matter his race, age or political affiliation any man of good faith and common sense can identify with.


Barack Obama, Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaimaing the American Dream. ISBN 0307237702. Crown Publishing Group.

Shelby Steele, A bound man. Why we are excited about Obama and why he can't Win. ISBN 1416559175. Simon & Schuster Publishers.

Kevin Connely, BBC news, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7211536.stm

Dreaming - What's The Point?

Back in 2003, we had a dream:

To escape the constricting cubicles of corporate America, get out of Dodge (or in our case, Los Angeles), and build a business together that could support a family and a lifestyle so we could enjoy both to the greatest extent possible.

It wasn't an original dream. Billions of dollars of man hours are lost in corporations worldwide to those who daydream within their cubicle confines.

And, maybe because it's such a common daydream, more than a few people openly shared with us the "fact" that we wouldn't be able to live a happy, financially sustaining, creatively fulfilling life out of a major metropolis's arms' reach.

Thank goodness we ignored those people - even though many were good friends, trusted confidantes, and even trusted mentors. Because that little, unoriginal dream has come true, and continues to unfold to bigger and better possibilities seemingly by the hour.

And this is what we know for su5B3re:

Dreaming makes all things possible.

It is not a frivolous act.

It's not something reserved for the idle, the impotent, the naive, or the lazy.

It's the cornerstone for all progress. The key to all things good and beautiful in this life.

Room to Dream.

Permission to Dream.

The Tools to Dream.

The Freedom to Dream.

Time to Dream.

We need these things as much as we need air and water. We need them to live, love, grow, and become who we were meant to be.


A dream is nothing more or less than a vision of how things could be. It's one possible reality.

It's hope and faith with colors and details.

It's creativity unbridled.

It's the human spirit at its best, without worries, fears, bills, illness, doubt, and anything else that falls into the category of the soul's ambient crud.


Sleeping dreams show you just how far your mind and imagination are willing to go if you let them.

They'll show you the nooks and crannies of your everyday observations, strengths, and fears. They'll turn things upside down and backwards, hoping you'll look at the world - and yourself - from new angles, through new lenses, and with fresh perspectives.

Sleep dreaming kicks your ego and presumptions out the door so your brain can play with your mind's arts and crafts table without adult supervision.


It invites your own personal cache of guest speakers, performance artists, set designers, writers, musicians, architects, teachers, rebels, and a slew of others sent from your subconscious to entertain, inform, and beguile you.

Wakeful dreaming is the toughest, because once you start doing it, you understand its power. It's for real. You really are in charge of your own destiny. Anything you can imagine truly is possible.

If you find this fact to be daunting, intimidating, scary, or uncomfortable, do everything you can to snap out of it. It's the blessing of your life. It's your life's mission to:

* Dream well

* Dream often

* Dream big

* Dream with passion and purpose

* Dream with love, compassion, and sincerity...

...And live your dream.

(c) 2008 Epiphanies, Inc. As the "Content Lovers" of Epiphanies Inc., Lani & Allen Voivod help lifestyle entrepreneurs and million-dollar businesses "A-Ha Themselves" in fun and profitable ways. For FREE articles, marketing tips, and content strategies designed to fire up your passion and profit-ize your niche, sign up for their "Inciter" ezine at http://www.EpiphaniesInc.com

The Black Hole in Society and Why it Sucks Up Your Cake

Take a close look at what is happening to the American way of life. It is going downhill big time. We are facing the biggest crisis in the history of this country. And as with all crises, this one too is self-produced by every single individual.

How did we get here?
There are basically two ways to live your life and make a living. Each way is a different approach that varies considerably in its outcome.

The Lose-Lose Gamble Approach
You are focused on making a living by constantly looking for where and how to get the most money out of every situation. Money is the driving force be19F7hind in this scenario. You always try to get a piece of the cake as long as there is cake on the table. If there is no cake on the table, you move on to another table to see if there is some cake left for you.

It's a lousy way to get food on the table and to feed your family. It's a way that leads sooner or later to the bottom of the system, ending up with less and in the end, with nothing. Over time, you need to become smarter to grab the cake, as there is more and more competition from others for that choice piece of cake. At one point, you may even try to steal the cake. It's a desperate situation, but one you can justify, because after all, you need to eat, right?.

You are lost in cake hell.

As you constantly focus on getting your share of cake, you are broadcasting loud and clear to society that you are part of the great lumpy mass of existence - hungry for cake, but ultimately replaceable and easily dispensed with should your search for cake force you to unacceptable extremes. It's not really your fault. It's merely the result of our current process of automating and consumerizing society on a global scale.

Sometime during the previous century, the world started seriously to apply this automation process to every single product that is producible and consumable. We are currently not only automating everything possible, we are also in the process of squeezing more and more cake out of fewer and fewer ingredients.

Beware! The moment your work can be done by an automaton you likely will be replaced by it in the interests of automation. In a nutshell: if you act like a robot, and you work like a robot, you will be replaced by another robot sooner than you might think.

From an economic standpoint, you are constantly depleting society and the social system. You buy things you really cannot afford. You borrow more and more money, and therefore contribute to a money-debt system that presents more intractable challenges every year, both on a micro level and on a macro level.

Every year there is less to take out of the system. Yet every year you require more because of the system. If you project the consequences of supporting this kind of system, you can easily see that it ultimately has to fail. In fact, it's not too difficult to see that if everyone everywhere supported this kind of system, it would fail in a blink of an eye.

It's a straight lose-lose system. You lose and the whole society loses. Do you really think the bank just prints more money? Have you ever thought about where the money comes from? Why is it that the dollar is worth less and less? Everyone works harder and longer and more efficiently than ever before in the history of the human race. Yet, it cost more and more to simply have that piece of cake. Do you get the idea that all this is somehow connected?

The bottom line does not stop there. Individual (micro) loss and market or social (macro) loss is just the tip of the iceberg. Our system of monetized consumerism goes far beyond of our paltry ability to understand how it fully affects our planet. All resources - natural or otherwise - that are taken out and not somehow replenished are lost forever. This helps to create a downward spiral that ultimately affects our own chances of survival.

Where does the cake come from when everyone is focused solely on the cake itself and not on what goes into the cake? How can anyone make a cake when all the ingredients have been depleted? How about when they are priced out the reach of everyone but the wealthiest few in our society?

This approach is the simple result of thinking and acting as if you're the only one on this planet. It's the attitude that says, "It is all about me, me, me." This attitude is severely unhealthy. It ultimately leads to loss of power, loss of self-esteem, avoidance, and to feelings of hopelessness and depression. It is beyond the power of even Prozac to sugarcoat.

The Win-Win Contributer Approach
You are focused on contributing to society. You are aware that you are a unique person and you have developed your unique strengths, abilities and gifts - of course for your benefit, but also for the benefit of others. You are using these attributes along with a positive attitude to contribute your share to society.

You are in the service business. You enrich and enlighten society, and from the mixing bowl of your life, you make wonderful cakes. It gives you pleasure and fulfillment in your life. You are valued and appreciated as a contributor, and you get your fair share of return (money and other things even less tangible) by the people who love to buy your cake.

Imagine if everyone could do it this way. Imagine the results of this scenario. There would be so much cake on the table that no one would ever have to fight about the getting enough. Indeed, there would be countless tables with an abundance of cakes on each one. It would be a society that would be so rich, so deliciously abundant, that it would have plenty of resources, and also one in which everything that is created is sustainable.

There would be so much value in the system in the form of money and in many other intangibles, that society could cooperatively build a global energy production system that is cheap - maybe even free - and based on free resources from advanced solar, wind and other technologies.

As a member of this society, and because you are creatively and fully utilizing your strengths and talents, no robot can ever replace you. Artificial intelligence may arrive this century but it will definitely not replace an intelligent human being fully grounded in its creative strength. You holistically use your intuition as well as your intelligence to to make life decisions. As a consequence, your capacity to visualize reality and to create it flawlessly borders on the fantastic. Just try building a robot to do that . . .

This approach is the result of thinking and acting with the certain understanding that we are all connected. We have plenty of evidence that this is indeed the case. If you look into the rise of the Internet as a global medium of exchange, modern systems-based approaches to productivity and distribution and even our increasing understanding of natural systems and their attendant challenges like climate change and rapid alterations in the biosphere, this approach seems to provide a much better match to our current reality.

We have one earth and each of us is part of the whole system. We understand that our local actions have global effects. We und5B4erstand that contributing to the whole makes the whole stronger and richer, and gives back synergistically to each individual and to society as well. Each individual benefits in untold ways when he or she contributes back into the system.

It all starts out with a single belief or concept about how we want to see the world and ourselves. Everything else follows directly as the exact experience of this thinking. Everyone can choose this kind of abundance over deprivation if they are only willing to take their eyes off the cake and instead think about how to put it - and many more just as delicious - onto the world's table to benefit the whole.

The first time I used the bus in America I felt like an outlaw. What a terrible experience. I felt as if I had hit the bottom tier of society. The bus system obviously exists only for people that couldn't afford or are unable to drive a car. I was certain then, as I am now, that those fortunate people in their shiny SUVs whizzing past my bus window also held this low opinion of their carless neighbors. I don't think much has changed since then. I think that we are still a society of haves and have-nots when we could be a society of equal contributors to our wonderful cake.

It's a mere shift of viewpoint that can make all the difference. Other viewpoints can sometimes nurture your sense of self and provide the additional benefit of being good for all. For more than a generation now,551 my brother and sister Europeans have looked askance at anyone foolish or simply unaware enough to drive a car into the hearts of many cities.

Pedestrians shake their heads at you with ill humor as they hurry out of the path of your offending automobile. Obviously you are a dinosaur for taking your car into the city. However, if you avail yourself of the excellent and inexpensive bus system offered in nearly every European city, you are hip! You are the coolest of the cool. You know the score. With this approach - the one involving buses rather than cars - it is a breeze to meet new friends and have a wonderful relaxed time.

What a difference an attitude can make.

Thomas Herold is the founder and CEO of Dream Manifesto. The quantum method for manifesting your life dreams. To learn more about creating your goals & dreams with the Dream Manifestation Wizard software visit: Dream Manifesto - The Quantum Method for Manifesting Your Dreams

Motivation Tips - Dream A Little to Up Your Motivations

What most people want in life is to make their dreams come true. Sadly, more and more people seem to be giving up on their dreams and goals because they feel lost and disillusioned about their future, burdened by family and financial commitments, and are struggling to keep their jobs. In such a scenario, it is easy to feel jaded about your life and career. You will eventually lose motivation to do anything. But it is important to keep an open mind and remember that life is filled with opportunities for exploring and learning. It does not matter how old you are and at what stage your career is; you must give yourself a chance to rejuvenate your life and career.

To make this happen, try taking the following steps:

Have clear dreams

Everyone has different dreams and goals. Whether your objectives are big or small, it is important to have a clear dream. Your dreams will fuel your desire to attain greater heights. Without dreams to pursue, you will feel uncertain about your future. If your dreams are not clear enough, you will not be convinced enough to pursue them. You must also do things that are related to your dreams in order to generate motivations to do whatever tasksC4E and jobs ahead of you.

Leave your comfort zone

If you keep failing at what you have been doing, then you must do something different to achieve your goals. Discard your old habits and adopt new attitudes. If you don't step out of the comfort zone and discard your old habits, you will eventually lose all motivations to do anything. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new now. Take a course to upgrade yourself, switch jobs, or use a different approach to solve problems. The more flexible you are, the more control you will have over the outcome of your life.

Change your thinking

When you face challenges you are unable to solve, view them from a different angle. Your thinking does affect your perception and the outcome of your life. If you keep on dwelling on a problem, then you will probably end up going round in circles most of the time. But when you focus on the solution, you will find the answer to your problem. Positive thinking will brings positive motivations and hence positive results. So switch your thinking to a more positive mode, and you will find your life becoming smoother.

Take a break

All work and no play will make life dull, so make sure you relax and take a good break every now and then. One of the main reasons why people tend to get stuck in life or feel jaded is because they work too much and too hard. All their energy level and motivation had already being fully zapped by their work. Maintain a balance between, work, family and relaxation. Take time to travel with your family members, loved ones or friends. A different environment can inspire and energize you in amazing ways. When you are bogged down by work and problems, try to relax. When your mind is rested and your body recharged, you will be able to brainstorm for fresh ideas, and perhaps find the answers that were evading you in the past.

Dave is a motivational, nlp, internet marketing coach and blogging strategist. He shares a lot of important Internet marketing strategies at http://www.SuccessEnroute.com He is giving away free ebook at http://www.InternetBizGuru.com

To Your Success
Dave Wong
